The Own Your Own Data Act Introduced in the Senate

By: Linda L. Goodman

Sen. John Kennedy, R-LA, introduced a bill that would prohibit the collection of private data by social media companies.

It would grant users full property rights to all of the data that they generate on the internet, it would require social media companies to enter into a licensing agreement with consumers in a plain and understandable agreement, it would require social media companies to provide a quick easy link/button for the consumer to cancel the licensing agreement. 

The social media companies must also provide the consumers a separate and prominent displayed icon that would allow the consumers easily click to obtain a copy of their data along with any analysis of how the information has been used by the company.  The legislation would allow the FTC as the sole authority over this legislation.

Sen. Kennedy said, “This legislation allows users to access the personal data that social media companies have compiled, and it transfers data property rights back into the hands of the users,” Kennedy said. “These social media companies should not own the data that you create. This legislation will give control and ownership back to the users.”

Sen. Kennedy has become one of the most vocal critics of big tech companies use, sharing and selling of consumer data.  He has said, “These companies have to start prioritizing user data privacy and protection.  It’s long overdue.”

The consumer privacy and consumer data are hot topics on Capitol Hill lately.  This subject won’t be going away anytime soon.

For more information and to follow this bill, go to Sen. John Kennedy’s website here: and here:


This article was originally posted on as part of my ongoing efforts to share valuable legal insights. I regularly contribute guest blogs to leading websites in the field of internet compliance. In these posts, I cover a range of topics to help businesses stay compliant in the ever-evolving digital world. You can read my latest guest contributions on

This article is a publication of The Goodman Law Firm and is intended to provide information on recent legal developments. This article does not create an attorney-client relationship, nor should it be construed as legal advice or an opinion on specific situations.  This may constitute “Attorney Advertising” under the Rules of Professional Conduct and under the law of other jurisdictions.

Linda L. Goodman is an attorney specializing in internet compliance and privacy law. With years of experience helping businesses navigate complex legal landscapes, Linda contributes expert insights on compliance issues in the digital space. To learn more about her services and insights, visit her law firm website at The Goodman Law Firm.

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