By: Linda L. Goodman The Financial Regulatory Reform Bill currently slated to be voted on by the Senate shortly would so sweepingly expand the regulatory and enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) over the entire business community that […]
New Privacy Bill Means Affirmative Opt-In Data Collection and Sharing…Privacy Policies are Changing…
By: Linda L. Goodman Federal Trade Commission chairman Jon Liebowitz told cable operators in L.A. last week that the commission is not interested in regulating behavioral advertising so long as the industry is making “progress” toward self-regulation. The Chairman then […]
FTC Publishes Final Guides on Endorsements and Testimonials
By: Linda L. Goodman On October 5, the FTC adopted and published revisions to their Guides covering Endorsements and Testimonials in advertising. You must be in compliance with these guildelines by December 1, 2009. The following is a summary of […]
Overstock and Sears Lessons in Website Disclosures
By: Linda L. Goodman OVERSTOCK LOSES RIGHT TO ENFORCE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Last week, U.S. District Court Judge Sterling Johnson, Jr., ruled that Internet retailer Overstock cannot enforce a mandatory arbitration provision set out in its online terms and conditions. […]
New York Has First Public Action Against Fake Consumer Reviews
By: Linda L. Goodman Last week, the New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, announced a settlement with cosmetic surgery outfit Lifestyle Lift over the publishing of fake consumer reviews on the Internet. The settlement is based upon a business model […]
It’s Monday Morning…Is Your DMCA Notice Up?
By: Linda L. Goodman It’s Monday morning, and you have received a letter from a law firm whose letterhead is longer than the content of the letter itself. Over your second Latte, you realize that the author is the intellectual […]
Best Practices Provide the Best Defense
By: Linda L. Goodman Recently, an e-mail marketer and its owners paid over $621,000.00 to settle a Federal Trade Commission complaint that charged the defendants and their affiliates with practices that violated federal laws. The settlement included an injunction preventing […]